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Ptengine Insight has a feature to compare heatmaps. With this feature, you can display two heatmaps with different conditions in the heatmap report screen at the same time.
By changing the type of heatmap, data reference period, page, device, segment, page front and back modification, you can compare the heatmap from different angles to understand the degree of communication and changes with users. It is useful for various scenarios, such as web-based channel optimization, CVR optimization, UIUX optimization, etc.
We suggest analyzing heatmaps with different segmentation conditions on the left and right.By comparing the difference between the heatmap of new/revisited users and CV users/non-CV users to obtain the characteristics of users, you can grasp the improvement points that lead to user conversion.
First, click "Add Comparison Target" in the heatmap viewing screen.
The screen will then split into two pieces, as shown in the image below.
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