Regular CV/Negative CV

Regular CVs are conversions that have had a positive impact on the business. For example, purchase, subscription registration, email address registration, etc.

Negative CVs, on the other hand, are conversions that have a negative impact on business operations, such as unsubscribing or downgrading.

These can be set in the Conversion Settings

Here you can see the CV trend graph and reports.

CV Transition Graph #

In the transition graph, you can check three indicators: #Completions, %Conversion, and Conversion value.

You can use the pull-down menu to switch between the indicators.

Report #

Here you can see the CV name, #Completions, &Conversion, and Revenue.

Search: Search for a CV name

Segment: Allows you to segment and analyze in detail with a click

Funnel:If a funnel has been set upIt would be more immediate accessing to funnel data.

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