How to install the Ptengine tracking code

After creating your profile, it's time to install the tracking into your website. Make sure to copy it and place it into the right location.

Install tracking code Ptengine

Install tracking code Ptengine

Make sure to paste the tracking code in the <head> tag of your website. This will make sure Ptengine Insight will track all pages and activate the Ptengine Experience features as well.

Verify if the tracking code works

Browse to your website where you just installed the tracking code. Open Ptengine and click the verify button, this will check if the code has been installed correctly.

Tracking code install - verify

Tracking code install - verify

Final step of installation

Final step of installation

If you want, you can also go to Data center > Realtime and see that there is traffic on your website right now. If so, all works perfectly!

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