Conversion (CV) refers to the goal or action that you want users to reach on your site, and Ptengine allows you to measure conversions by reaching a target page URL or taking a specific action.
You can use Ptengine to measure conversions by reaching the target page URLs or by specific actions, such as registrations, subscriptions, eBook downloads, and purchases.
In the settings screen, you can create, edit, and delete new pages.
Setting description #
- 1 The list of CV items that have already been set. It is not possible to set a new conversion with the same name.
- 2 The search field for CV names.
3 The switch allows you to stop the measurement of the corresponding conversion. To the right of the switch are the edit and delete buttons.
Note: If you change the CV name, URL condition, or funnel content by editing, the data will be separated from the past data. For example, if you change the name of a CV on August 1st, the original CV data will be converted to the CV name 0801Removed.
4 Add conversion button
Warning:If the URL set as the target of the CV goal or CV funnel has the UTM parameter, the session will be terminated, so it is recommended to set the URL without the UTM parameter.
### Basic Settings
There are three types of goal settings to choose from.
Access to the target page URL, access to the target [page group]( "page group"), and event.
### Funnel setting
When you turn on the funnel setting, you can specify the path to reach the goal and perform [funnel analysis]( "funnel analysis").
If you set the goal as a URL or page group, the steps will also only be selected from the URL or page group.
Also, if you set the goal as an event, the subsequent steps must also be set as events.
### Value setting
In the value setting, the value per CV of the relevant CV can be quantified as a CV outcome by setting a numerical value.
For example, if a particular conversion is worth +500 yen, then 20 conversions are worth +10,000.
Set this to on when you want to weight the conversions in this way.