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This feature allows you to view your past heatmaps. You can save the page profiles displayed in the heatmap to the server and recall them at any time.
You can split your heatmaps and drill down to analyze your clicks.
Open the page you plan to change in the heatmap. Then click「Save current page」in the upper right corner of the screen.
Click on the camera icon if you have saved it before.
You will see a pop-up window that says 「Save current page」. Enter the name of the page you want to save and a note (it is helpful to enter the period of time the page has been active), and then click「Save」. As for「Apply to URLs with parameters and original pages」. It is recommended to keep it in the default state. If you want to apply it only to the relevant page, uncheck the box.
※Please note that it may take up to 5 minutes to save the heatmap.
Warning:Depending on the structure of the page, there is a possibility of saving failure. For example, a single page (SPA) may fail. After saving the page, please check the saved page accordingly. If it fails, please contact us via chat, etc.!
After saving the page, you can check each version as shown in the figure below. Since there are different versions, you should also record the time when the page was published. (When checking the heatmap, for example, if you want to check the version from November 11 to November 17, you need to select the same period selection, November 11 to November 17).
Click on the「Gear Icon」 ⇨「Heat Map Settings」 ⇨「Manage Saved Pages」to check the URL, type of heat map, saved page name, and creation date.
①Possibility of saving failures For pages with complex structure, saving past heatmaps may take more than 10 minutes. In this case, it is likely that the past heat map will fail to save. We suggest that you delete this saved version and save it again.
②It is possible that some of the saved pages may be distorted. If you save images of your website or images from other sources that do not save properly, it is possible that the page structure may be distorted. If your web server is using an SSL certificate, the files may not be saved correctly.
③Currently, the past heat map function does not support saving AB tests.
④For example, if images, css and js are associated with absolute or relative paths, the image, css and js files themselves will not be saved. Once the file at the end of the path is removed, it cannot be described on the save page.
⑤In some cases, if you reference related files like the above from other external servers, they will not be saved in the first place.
⑥Overlay is not available for saved pages.
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