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Ptengine accounts have a limitation on the number of pageviews, that are measured monthly. When your website reaches 80% or 100% of your pageview limit, we will notify you by email.
What happens when the maximum pageivews have been reached depends on the plan you are using.
If the number of pageviews reaches the limit, there are two options.
1. Upgrade to a higher plan to increase the maximum pageviews Simply log in to your Ptengine account and select Plan & Billing, select a bigger package and submit.
2. Do nothing, and wait for the limit to be reset on the 1st of the following month
The pageview limit will reset on the contract renewal date, just be aware that we won't track any extra traffic on your campaigns. Strongly recommend to upgrade to make sure you don't miss any website analytics.
1. Upgrade your plan 2. Do nothing, and wait for the limit to be reset on the 1st of the following month
Check out our pricing plans when you log in to Ptengine or go to for details. We would appreciate it if you could consider using a paid plan.
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