Tag Setting Question

This article provides an introduction to common questions during the tag setting stage.

Question1:Can SPA pages be measured? #

Answer: Yes, We can!

SPA stands for "Single Page Application." As more websites use SPA to optimize content delivery speed and improve overall website performance, it is becoming increasingly common. However, because SPA loads content differently from traditional websites, conventional measurement methods may not accurately detect content or URL changes on SPA pages, which can affect user behavior analysis.

With Ptengine’s standard tags, SPA pages cannot be correctly measured and require special handling. The solution is to set up Ptengine’s SPA-compatible tags. These tags trigger when page content changes, sending updated page URLs and other information to Ptengine, allowing for accurate measurement.
Please contact us to get more information.

Question 2: Does it affect page load time? #

Ptengine’s tags do not significantly impact page load time.

Page load speed primarily depends on the user’s network speed, but Ptengine’s tags, using our CDN and proprietary algorithms, are typically loaded within tens of milliseconds under normal network conditions, and even when delivering experiences via Experience, they load within 500 milliseconds. This time frame does not significantly affect the user experience. However, to achieve the optimal loading speed mentioned above, the basic tag should be placed directly within the HTML’s head tag. Even if placed in the body tag out of necessity, it does not significantly impact page load time.

Question 3: Can tags be installed on multiple sites? #

Answer: Yes, We can!

To ensure accurate measurement with Ptengine, you need to register the main domain of the site in the project and install the basic tag on the target pages. With the Growth Plan, there is no limit on the number of main domains you can register.
If you want to add more measurement sites, please contact us.

Question 4: Points to Note When Setting Up GTM Triggers #

When using tag management tools like Google Tag Manager (GTM), if the delivery of Ptengine tags is restricted to certain conditions, and tags are not set to fire for URLs containing Ptengine’s unique parameters, some of Ptengine’s features may become unavailable.

For example, if you configure the GTM trigger for "Some Page Views" and specify "Page URL equals," URLs containing parameters will be excluded.

Therefore, when using "Some Page Views," we recommend setting the matching rule to "contains" or "starts with" instead of "equals."

Question 5: Why is the data not measured correctly even though the tag has been installed? #

Common Causes:

  • 1Tag is not installed correctly
    The most common reason is an installation error.

    If the Ptengine tag is not correctly installed due to mistakes such as incorrect text input, using a tag from a different project, or having multiple tags installed, data will not be measured. If data is not visible after a certain amount of time (as explained below), please check whether the tag has been correctly installed on the relevant page using the “How to check if the tag is correctly installed” guide.

    If there is an issue, please try reinstalling the tag.

  • 2Ptengine measurement tags are not installed on all pages
    The tag must be installed on all pages you wish to measure. If the measurement scope is restricted, ensure that the relevant pages are included within the measurement scope.

Question 5: When will the data be visible after installing the tag? #

You can typically start seeing access data from the site where the tag was installed about 30 minutes later!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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