Member permissions

In Ptengine, you can invite team members and clients to share the data and experience accessibility of project.

1. Type of Permissions #

  • 1Owner
    Owner can access billing plans, member management, project setup, and full access rights to Insight and Experience.
  • 2Admin
    Can manage project settings and invite members. Includes all the permission in publisher.
  • 3Can publish
    Can publish experience. Includes all the permission in "Can analyze and edit".
  • 4Can analysis and editCan manage data settings, and create and edit experience, but cannot publish. Includes all the permission in "Can view".
  • 5Can view
    Can view traffic and user reports, heatmap, and experience reports.

2. Detailed explanation of project member roles and permissions. #

Detailed expianation
Please refer to the detailed explanation of project member roles and permissions for your reference.

Model Features Owner Admin Can publish Can analyze and edit Can view
Plan Upgrade or change plan × × × ×
Unsubscribe × × × ×
Change payment method × × × ×
Change billing information × × × ×
Access billing history × × × ×
Member Management Invite members × × ×
Change member permissions × × ×
Transfer ownership of the project × × × ×
Remove members × × ×
Project Settings Rename the project × × ×
Edit the domains in project × × ×
Delete the project × × × ×
Manage IP exclusion × × ×
Manage UA exclusion × × ×
Manage URL combination × × ×
Manage visit settings × × ×
Insight Manage heatmap page settings ×
Manage heatmap advanced settings ×
Manage Heatmap A/B testing integrations (classic heatmap only) ×
Manage heatmap versions ×
Manage event tracking ×
Manage page groups ×
Manage conversion settings ×
Create campaign URLs ×
Manage parameter compatibility × × ×
Manage source channel settings × × ×
Manage user labels ×
Manage cross-domain settings × × ×
Manage integration connections × × ×
Save segments
Experience Create Experience ×
Edit Experience ×
Delete Experience ×
Publish or schedule to publish Experience × ×
Cancel a published or scheduled Experience × ×
Duplicate Experience ×
Rename Experience ×
Pause A/B testing versions × ×
Create user segments ×
Delete user segments ×
Edit user segments ×
Duplicate user segments ×
Create goals ×
Delete goals ×
Edit goals ×

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